Monday, September 23, 2024

Along Came a Cider: Another Harvest

I’m finding a quiet moment to share that I’m concluding the regular posting schedule of Along Came A Cider, at least for now. 

This feels strange to write, as I’ve been keeping this blog steadily since the beginning of 2013. It’s been vastly enjoyable for that time: learning about cider, trying a myriad of different ciders, tasting serious, and becoming a part of the cider community. These have all been wonderfully meaningful activities. I enjoy sharing my thoughts, writing, and photographing cider and orchards. 

Why is a reasonable question to ask. Basically, I just don’t feel like drinking very often. That makes cider blogging more difficult! That’s nothing concrete or conclusive, but it feels like a natural stopping, or perhaps resting, point for this wonderful project. I plan to keep writing and chasing creative endeavors, but it will take time to see what those will be. I'm ready to write beyond the review format and outside of the worlds of food and drink. Let me know if you want to keep in touch and see what comes next!

And the cider world has grown, matured, and changed in the 11 years I’ve been involved. I see lauded professionals succeeding and remember when those folks were at events as new hopeful people ready to take their home fermenting adventures to the next level. I’ve seen people light up about topics like land preservation, foraged fruit, natural fermentation, and investing in their local foodways. And I’ve seen our community tackle serious issues too. I hope we all keep chasing the ideals and goals that inspire us, and making or sharing delicious cider and beautiful meals along the way. There have been losses along the way too, and I hold those folks and their stories in my heart.

I have many happy memories of cider blogging, but more so of discovering orchards as magical places, fermentation, apple preservation, and consciously sharing drink and food. Walking orchards with Ian Merwin, geeking out about food and travel with Eleanor Leger, times I’ve trained to taste with Charles McGonegal, all these are special experiences that will stay with me forever. I love the conversations I’ve shared with Michelle McGrath, Eric West, Tom Oliver, Ron Sansone, Matt Windle, Ryan Gravell, Mary Bigham, Bill Lyon, Kirk Billingsly, Chuck Shelton, Autumn Stoschek, Yann Fay, Michelle Foik, Ryan Burke, Brian Rutzen, Gidon Coll, Ambrosia Borowski, Caitlin Braam, Dan Wilson, Nicole LeiBon, Dick Dunn, Deva Maas, Malaika & Sean Tyson, Rachel Freier, Matthew Ostrander, Elisabeth Osmeloski, Jeff Cottrell, Steve Wood, Louisa Spencer, Bill and Cheryl Barton, Ben Wenk, Greg Peck, Elizabeth Ryan, Mike Beck, Steve Selin, and far more folks than I can easily name here. Let's stay in touch! I know I didn't get nearly all of the names that should be listed here. My brain cannot hold so many names!

I have so much gratitude for the cider community. I cannot count the number of wonderful stories, meals, and walks we've shared. Coming together with other cider lovers has helped me make friends that have jumped the divide and are now part of my social world outside of cider, and this is perhaps what I’m most grateful for.  Teagan, Dave, Amber, Maria and Jenn, I adore you all so much!

Much affection and gratitude to you all! May our roots grow stronger as we go and may this year’s harvest be delicious and nourishing in all ways.